Kevin and Nakia Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Mack started like many others working full time jobs. Kevin Mack worked at CVS Pharmacy and later launched a retail clothing store where for a two year period he saw no profit. However, one day in walks Mr. Carlo
Brown (a stranger at the time) and the Macks life changed forever. They joined LegalShield and within their second year made more income in 12 months than the revenues from the retail clothing business.
The Macks say: “It wasn’t rocket science” to come to the realization that it was time to shut the doors to the retail store. They achieved the Executive Director rank within 90 days while just working in their spare time. Mr. Mack states, “because of the duplication system set forth by the leadership team, they earned over six figures very quickly.” Kevin and Nakia Mack are now well on their way to their second million with LegalShield.
The Macks believe that the friendships they have made within Legalshield, Team NuVision and the AIM Group are second to none and they look forward to continuing to help others who have a burning desire, willingness to work, and teachable attitude to join the Millionaire’s Club!
Mr. and Mrs. Mack enjoy family time with their Children: Kevin, Jr., Kayla, and Nitalya. Mrs. Mack spends her spare time working out in Zumba classes and is now a certified Zumba instructor.
The Macks reside in Maryland.