Willie and Sheryll Muhammad
Mr. Willie Muhammad had a background as a Deputy Chief Probation Officer in the Northwest Indiana area. He was the first African American to hold that position, which is the third highest administrative position in the juvenile court system. Although Mr. Muhammad had a successful career, he knew he wanted more.
A dear friend and mentor introduced Mr. Muhammad to LegalShield in August 2000. With no experience in this industry, Mr. Muhammad’s team quickly spread across the state of Indiana, throughout the Midwest, and eventually all over the United States. He was able to reach the top level of Executive Director within six months! Shortly thereafter, Mr. Muhammad retired from his full time job at the age of 35, after being in LegalShield for less than a year.
When Willie Muhammad married Sheryll, it gave him even more motivation to achieve his dreams. The talent that Mrs. Muhammad brings to the team has allowed them to multiply their impact and increase the momentum of their business.
The Muhammad’s make their home in beautiful, sunny Orlando, Florida.