Martavius & Keisha Hillman

100K, Georgia

On June 12, 2019, my life changed! My wife and I found out we were having our first child! While I was excited, I was also nervous. My background was in the adult beverage industry, which is just a fancy way of saying I sold alcoholic beverages for a living, and I absolutely loved what I was doing. However, I spent more time in hotel rooms than my own bedroom, and I knew if something didn’t change, I would be raising my child through Facebook, FaceTime and Instagram, and I didn’t want that for my first child. So I started looking for something different, and I found LegalShield on June 17, 2019. Nine months into my journey, the world changed due to a pandemic. Eleven months into my journey, my job shut down too. When I lost my job, my son was three months old, and I knew I had a decision to make. Do I go back to work and put my family at risk? Or do I build my LegalShield business? I am so grateful that I chose to build my LegalShield business because it positioned me to help so many families and individuals create their own peace of mind! First and foremost, I have to thank God because without him none of this would be possible! I have to thank my sponsor, my mentor, my business partner, Mr. Alistair Edwards, for his mentorship and for teaching me the TNV way! Thank you to our fearless leaders, Mr. Darnell Self and Mr. Mike Humes, for exemplifying TNVDNA and leading through faith, family, finance and fitness. To Team Victory here with TNV, WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED, and IT IS OUR #WINNINGSEASON! LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO